Currency Conversion

Show pricing in the native currency of your global users. Personalize their transaction experience with consistent pricing throughout your site using the geo-location data and current currency conversion rates to show in different currencies.

Installation Duration : 10 business days

Support : 6 Months

Currency Conversion
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All You Need to Know About 'Currency Conversion'
Here's How it Works?

Convert All Prices

All prices, like Subscription packages, PPV content, and Product pricing, will show in local currency. At checkout, the payment gateway amount will be in the site's default currency.

ExchangeRate API

Integrated with, using the latest conversion rates, it shows the equivalent amount for any global currency. Gateway currency and amount will also be shown.


Different reports, such as User transactions, Site Payments, Admin Earnings, and so on, will be shown only in the default currency of the site. This is to ensure easy accounting.